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His own behaviour is his condemnation

  • 1 condemnation

    1) (censure) condanna f.

    to be a condemnation of sb., sth. — essere motivo di condanna per qcn., qcs

    * * *
    noun condanna
    * * *
    condemnation /kɒndɛmˈneɪʃn/
    n. [uc]
    1 condanna; biasimo
    2 (leg.) condanna (spec. a morte)
    3 motivo di condanna: His own behaviour is his condemnation, la sua stessa condotta lo condanna
    4 dichiarazione di inagibilità, inabitabilità, ecc.
    * * *
    1) (censure) condanna f.

    to be a condemnation of sb., sth. — essere motivo di condanna per qcn., qcs

    English-Italian dictionary > condemnation

  • 2 rechazo

    1 rejection.
    mostró su rechazo he made his disapproval clear
    rechazo a hacer algo refusal to do something
    2 denial.
    4 rejected product, cull, rejected material.
    5 back stroke.
    1st person singular (yo) present indicative of spanish verb: rechazar.
    * * *
    1 rejection, refusal
    2 MEDICINA rejection
    3 (negativa) denial, rejection
    de rechazo on the rebound 2 (bala) as it ricocheted 3 (uso figurado) indirectly, as a consequence
    * * *
    noun m.
    rejection, refusal
    * * *
    1) (=negativa) refusal

    rechazo frontal[de propuesta] outright rejection; [de oferta] flat refusal

    2) (Med) rejection
    3) (=rebote) bounce, rebound
    4) (=desaire) rebuff
    5) [de fusil] recoil
    * * *
    masculino (de invitación, individuo, órgano) rejection; (de moción, enmienda) defeat
    * * *
    = rejection, dismissal, condemnation, denial, disapproval, renunciation, revulsion, defeat, disavowal, move away from, repudiation, block, thumbs down, deprecation, denouncement, denunciation, push factor, pushback.
    Ex. Informative abstracts both aid in the assessment of document relevance and selection or rejection.
    Ex. One possible result may be the dismissal of reference books, perhaps even libraries, as legitimate sources of information.
    Ex. This article critically examines Blaise Cronin's condemnation of social responsibility in librarianship.
    Ex. The obvious alternative would be denial of access to scholarly literature.
    Ex. A reference librarian must maintain a pleasant expression (rather than a scowl that is easily read as disapproval of present company).
    Ex. This approach is characterised by the renunciation of attempts to generate the wording of index entries algorithmically.
    Ex. As part of the worldwide revulsion against the fierce crackdown of peaceful dissidents now occurring in Cuba, the U.S. Congress has voted 414-0 to condemn the Cuban government for raiding 22 libraries.
    Ex. Indeed, in larger libraries, there are those who regard a referral as tantamount to an admission of defeat.
    Ex. Nevertheless, it is suggested that Marx's disavowal of religion as a force for instituting a universal class was premature.
    Ex. This is a radical move away from the accepted principle of using the actual item as the primary source of cataloguing data.
    Ex. These elite books are distinguished by their visible repudiation of mass culture and commercialism.
    Ex. Emotional blocks to reading can be formed by an unsatisfactory relationship with a teacher.
    Ex. The article 'Apple Macintosh: thumbs up? thumbs down?' considers whether online searchers should use Apple Macintosh machines.
    Ex. It uses humor rather than witticisms, and self-deprecation rather than deprecation of the professional field.
    Ex. The second document is a denouncement of slavery by Greenwich, who mobilizes the best tradition of scriptural exegesis to make his case.
    Ex. These denunciations make libraries look both sanctimonious and hypocritical for trying to save the world when they have failed to put ther own house in order.
    Ex. Unsurprisingly such misuse is triggered by push factors, such as fear of failure, and also pull factors, such as ease of use and the ubiquitous cut and paste.
    Ex. The public pushback about the new policy is astounding due to the fact folks were previously so apathetic about the old policy.
    * Algo que produce rechazo = turn-off.
    * comportamiento de rechazo = avoidance behaviour.
    * factor de rechazo = push factor.
    * rechazo a la lectura = aliteracy.
    * rechazo total = bold statement against.
    * * *
    masculino (de invitación, individuo, órgano) rejection; (de moción, enmienda) defeat
    * * *
    = rejection, dismissal, condemnation, denial, disapproval, renunciation, revulsion, defeat, disavowal, move away from, repudiation, block, thumbs down, deprecation, denouncement, denunciation, push factor, pushback.

    Ex: Informative abstracts both aid in the assessment of document relevance and selection or rejection.

    Ex: One possible result may be the dismissal of reference books, perhaps even libraries, as legitimate sources of information.
    Ex: This article critically examines Blaise Cronin's condemnation of social responsibility in librarianship.
    Ex: The obvious alternative would be denial of access to scholarly literature.
    Ex: A reference librarian must maintain a pleasant expression (rather than a scowl that is easily read as disapproval of present company).
    Ex: This approach is characterised by the renunciation of attempts to generate the wording of index entries algorithmically.
    Ex: As part of the worldwide revulsion against the fierce crackdown of peaceful dissidents now occurring in Cuba, the U.S. Congress has voted 414-0 to condemn the Cuban government for raiding 22 libraries.
    Ex: Indeed, in larger libraries, there are those who regard a referral as tantamount to an admission of defeat.
    Ex: Nevertheless, it is suggested that Marx's disavowal of religion as a force for instituting a universal class was premature.
    Ex: This is a radical move away from the accepted principle of using the actual item as the primary source of cataloguing data.
    Ex: These elite books are distinguished by their visible repudiation of mass culture and commercialism.
    Ex: Emotional blocks to reading can be formed by an unsatisfactory relationship with a teacher.
    Ex: The article 'Apple Macintosh: thumbs up? thumbs down?' considers whether online searchers should use Apple Macintosh machines.
    Ex: It uses humor rather than witticisms, and self-deprecation rather than deprecation of the professional field.
    Ex: The second document is a denouncement of slavery by Greenwich, who mobilizes the best tradition of scriptural exegesis to make his case.
    Ex: These denunciations make libraries look both sanctimonious and hypocritical for trying to save the world when they have failed to put ther own house in order.
    Ex: Unsurprisingly such misuse is triggered by push factors, such as fear of failure, and also pull factors, such as ease of use and the ubiquitous cut and paste.
    Ex: The public pushback about the new policy is astounding due to the fact folks were previously so apathetic about the old policy.
    * Algo que produce rechazo = turn-off.
    * comportamiento de rechazo = avoidance behaviour.
    * factor de rechazo = push factor.
    * rechazo a la lectura = aliteracy.
    * rechazo total = bold statement against.

    * * *
    1 (de una oferta, propuesta) rejection; (de una moción, enmienda) defeat
    2 ( Med) (de un órgano) rejection
    * * *


    Del verbo rechazar: ( conjugate rechazar)

    rechazo es:

    1ª persona singular (yo) presente indicativo

    rechazó es:

    3ª persona singular (él/ella/usted) pretérito indicativo

    Multiple Entries:
    rechazar ( conjugate rechazar) verbo transitivo
    a)invitación/propuesta/individuo to reject;

    moción/enmienda to defeat;
    oferta/trabajo to turn down
    b)ataque/enemigo to repel, repulse

    c) (Med) ‹ órgano to reject

    rechazo sustantivo masculino (de invitación, individuo, órgano) rejection;
    (de moción, enmienda) defeat
    rechazar verbo transitivo
    1 (una idea, un plan, a una persona) to reject
    (oferta, contrato) to turn down
    2 Med (un órgano) to reject
    3 Mil to repel
    rechazo sustantivo masculino
    1 (de una idea, petición, un plan) rejection
    2 (desprecio) contempt: mostraron su rechazo al racismo, they showed their contempt for racism
    ' rechazo' also found in these entries:
    - constancia
    - marginación
    - para
    - reaccionar
    - silbar
    - andar
    - enérgico
    - ni
    - repulsa
    - defeat
    - deny
    - dismissal
    - refusal
    - rejection
    - repudiation
    - snub
    - straight
    - strenuous
    - vigorous
    - will
    - denial
    - renunciation
    * * *
    1. [no aceptación] rejection;
    [hacia una ley, un político] disapproval;
    mostró su rechazo he made his disapproval clear;
    los ciudadanos mostraron su rechazo al racismo the people made plain their rejection of racism;
    rechazo a hacer algo refusal to do sth;
    provocar el rechazo de alguien to meet with sb's disapproval
    rechazo social social rejection
    2. [negación] denial
    3. Dep clearance
    * * *
    m rejection
    * * *
    : rejection, refusal
    * * *
    rechazo n rejection

    Spanish-English dictionary > rechazo

  • 3 censura

    1 censorship.
    2 censors (organismo).
    3 censure, severe criticism.
    3rd person singular (él/ella/ello) present indicative of spanish verb: censurar.
    * * *
    1 censorship
    2 (crítica) censure, criticism, condemnation
    censura de cuentas audit, auditing
    * * *
    noun f.
    2) censure, criticism
    * * *
    1) (=supresión) censorship
    2) (=institución) censors pl
    3) (=condena) censure frm, criticism
    moción 1), voto 1)
    4) (Com, Econ)
    * * *
    a) ( reprobación) censure (frml), condemnation
    b) (de libros, películas) censorship
    * * *
    = censorship, censure, reproach, stricture, rebuke, reproof, castigation, bleep, reproval.
    Ex. Having failed to make that note, there was no further justification for several possible subject tracings like censorship -- UNITED STATES-CASE STUDIES, SECURITY CLASSIFICATION -- UNITED STATES-CASE STUDIES, and so on.
    Ex. The author also outlines a system for microfilming and destroying documents to escape judicial censure.
    Ex. A standing reproach to all librarians is the non-user.
    Ex. The article is entitled 'Political and administrative strictures on the National Libraries Authority proposal'.
    Ex. In a stinging rebuke to the American Library Association, Nat Hentoff has criticized the ALA for failing to take action to defend volunteer librarians in Cuba who are being subjected to a brutal crackdown.
    Ex. Reproof should have a debilitating effect upon performance while praise should result in a somewhat higher increase in performance.
    Ex. This unremitting castigation of the Nazi masks both the historical complicity of the United States with Nazi crimes and our own racist and genocidal histories.
    Ex. They wish to have all bleeps declared illegal on publicly airwaves.
    Ex. He received a two-year suspension for violating the conditions of a public reproval and being convicted of two drunk driving.
    * censuras a los materiales = challenges to materials.
    * expurgado por censura = bowdlerized.
    * expurgo por censura = bowdlerization.
    * libre de censura = uncensored.
    * moción de censura = censure motion, vote of no confidence.
    * voto de censura = vote of no confidence.
    * * *
    a) ( reprobación) censure (frml), condemnation
    b) (de libros, películas) censorship
    * * *
    = censorship, censure, reproach, stricture, rebuke, reproof, castigation, bleep, reproval.

    Ex: Having failed to make that note, there was no further justification for several possible subject tracings like censorship -- UNITED STATES-CASE STUDIES, SECURITY CLASSIFICATION -- UNITED STATES-CASE STUDIES, and so on.

    Ex: The author also outlines a system for microfilming and destroying documents to escape judicial censure.
    Ex: A standing reproach to all librarians is the non-user.
    Ex: The article is entitled 'Political and administrative strictures on the National Libraries Authority proposal'.
    Ex: In a stinging rebuke to the American Library Association, Nat Hentoff has criticized the ALA for failing to take action to defend volunteer librarians in Cuba who are being subjected to a brutal crackdown.
    Ex: Reproof should have a debilitating effect upon performance while praise should result in a somewhat higher increase in performance.
    Ex: This unremitting castigation of the Nazi masks both the historical complicity of the United States with Nazi crimes and our own racist and genocidal histories.
    Ex: They wish to have all bleeps declared illegal on publicly airwaves.
    Ex: He received a two-year suspension for violating the conditions of a public reproval and being convicted of two drunk driving.
    * censuras a los materiales = challenges to materials.
    * expurgado por censura = bowdlerized.
    * expurgo por censura = bowdlerization.
    * libre de censura = uncensored.
    * moción de censura = censure motion, vote of no confidence.
    * voto de censura = vote of no confidence.

    * * *
    1 (reprobación) censure ( frml), condemnation, criticism
    su comportamiento fue objeto de censura por parte de la prensa his behavior was criticized o condemned by the press, his behavior received criticism o condemnation in the press
    2 (de libros, películas) censorship
    * * *

    Del verbo censurar: ( conjugate censurar)

    censura es:

    3ª persona singular (él/ella/usted) presente indicativo

    2ª persona singular (tú) imperativo

    Multiple Entries:
    censura sustantivo femenino

    b) (de libros, películas) censorship

    censurar ( conjugate censurar) verbo transitivo

    b)libro/película to censor, ‹escena/párrafo to cut, censor

    censura sustantivo femenino
    1 censorship
    2 Pol moción de censura, vote of no confidence
    censurar verbo transitivo
    1 (libro, película) to censor: algunas escenas de la obra fueron censuradas, some scenes from the play werer cut
    2 (criticar, reprobar) to censure, criticize: censuramos su modo de tratar a los alumnos, we disapprove of the way he treats his students
    ' censura' also found in these entries:
    - moción
    - voto
    - censorship
    - censure
    - news blackout
    - vote
    - censor
    * * *
    1. [prohibición] censorship
    la censura [organismo] the censors
    3. [reprobación] censure, severe criticism;
    decir algo en tono de censura to say something censoriously o in a tone of censure
    4. Esp Econ censura de cuentas inspection of accounts, audit
    * * *
    f censorship
    * * *
    1) : censorship
    2) : censure, criticism

    Spanish-English dictionary > censura

См. также в других словарях:

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  • Socrates — /sok reuh teez /, n. 469? 399 B.C., Athenian philosopher. * * * born с 470, Athens died 399 BC, Athens Greek philosopher whose way of life, character, and thought exerted a profound influence on ancient and modern philosophy. Because he wrote… …   Universalium

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  • Ethics — • Many writers regard ethics as any scientific treatment of the moral order and divide it into theological, or Christian, ethics (moral theology) and philosophical ethics (moral philosophy) Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Ethics …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Aristotle — /ar euh stot l/, n. 384 322 B.C., Greek philosopher: pupil of Plato; tutor of Alexander the Great. * * * born 384, Stagira died 322 BC, Chalcis Greek philosopher and scientist whose thought determined the course of Western intellectual history… …   Universalium

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